Our Values

Our values identify how we conduct our business and operate as a company, as well as what we expect from our clients. Center for Occupational Safety and Health Ltd is a firm that expects:

• Safety as an integral part of our company culture, giving clients’ employees the training to get their jobs done -without injury.

• Creativity in developing solutions to occupational challenges encountered by our clients as well as in our internal processes.

• Adaptability to address and proactively embrace safety culture in workplaces to counter occupational hazards.

• Performance and technical excellence delivered to all assignments, both external and internal

• SustainabiKty in business practices integrated into our daily operations to contribute to a safe working environment.

COSH is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for all our clients, employees and contractors.


Our overarching mission is to partner with our clients to assist them in achieving their goals and objectives through the application of Sound Occupational Safety, Health and Environmental management systems.


Be the consultant of choice in the field of Occupational Safety, Health and Environment while providing a rewarding experience to our clients.


We design a written workplace safety program (WWSP) that acts as your road map to safety. This provides with strategy for developing a management plan to address safety concerns in your
company. It is important your workplace be as safe as you can possibly make it. The guide we provide you with helps to accomplish that goal. A WWSP is a management approach for identifying, evaluating, analyzing and controlling workplace safety and health hazards. It includes developing systematic policies, procedures, and practices fundamental to creating and maintaining a safe and healthy environment.


The implementation of WWSP is a proven and effective method for eliminating accidents and injuries among your employees. Controlling injuries can save your company money in workers’ compensation costs, reduces employee time away from work and helps to improve productivity and morale.